Sunday, January 30, 2011

Campus Life

College campuses... a culture of their own. Just looking for apartments for next year reminds me of this. I swear college is one of the few places where you can go from buying rare philosophy books in a used book store to tripping over empty beer cans in the streets. It's a wonderful, zany mix of intelligence and unbridled teenage stupidity. Sometimes the blend creates wonderful, amazing experiences. Other times, it's just a painful, awkward stroll through insanity.

Case and point - the Crooked House. The Crooked House is this old, character-filled place just off campus. It doesn't have a single 90-degree angle in the entire place, hence it's name. My roommates and I were looking to move in there next year and excited by its old charms and cheap price.

However, there was a major downside. According to a friend of ours that lives in the area, cops get called there every other night due to wild partying and some sort of domestic disputes. Though everyone who lives there now is moving out, there's a chance that those sort of people are attracted to the house. And that the cops might just show up, just to see how the new renters are doing. And plus, apparently someone tried to break in to another property owned by the same landlord. Thus, the Crooked House appears to be crooked in more ways than one.

So we're back to the drawing board, trying to find another place. We encounter one that had some sort of bed bug report, so that was an instant veto. Bedbugs, sheesh. However, it isn't all bad. We have found two nice places, one that was an hotel in the 1940s and a gorgeous red brick building that has a beautiful interior. Not quite as hardcore as the sparse, rustic Crooked House, but hey - at least I don't have to worry about alcoholic bedbugs, or some crazy shit like that.

But if college wasn't a hodgepodge of weirdness, what the hell would I have to inspire me?

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