Trouble is My Business

Culture Vulture Defined:

- a person who is extremely interested and enthusiastic about the arts; a person who attends cultural events
- a person considered to be excessively, and often pretentiously, interested in the arts
- someone who exploits the arts for monetary gain
- a strange, sea-faring and land-dwelling bird that quacks like a duck, flies like a hawk, and probably, PROBABLY, tastes like chicken

You might have stumbled across this blog anticipating... Well, I don't know what exactly. Something more like the 72 other culture vulture blogs out there. I'm hoping to be a little different.

Admittedly, this kind of turns into a social journal at times. There's too much about me here. But it is what I know best. Otherwise, I will do my best to be an aspiring general intellectual with a weird flair of cultural studies and psychology. And Doctor Who. 

The psychology and Doctor Who is self-explanatory. The cultural studies isn't so much. Which is why this page exists: Cultural Studies, or: My Life as a Vulture. Use it well. Or ignore it. I don't care. It's more for my benefit: I really need a fact sheet for how to explain my major to people.

Also, I want to take the opportunity to emphasize: THIS BLOG IS MY OPINION AND MY OPINION ONLY. If you don't like something, call me out on it. If you know me and think you're one of the people I've called by pseudonym, know that I don't mean to hurt or offend: I'm just trying to be honest with myself and my world. This is how I see things. If something sounds wrong to you, it just might be. Challenge me and we'll discuss it. But keep in mind: I AM WHAT I AM.

Also included here is my life tile list. Just in case y'all are interested in the random things I've done or want to do. And why the hell did I just say "y'all?"

See this random picture of David Tennant? Other than the fact that he's awesome, he's here in memory of the fact that I recently called myself [Nazi Vampire Hunter] on this blog. But then I got weirded out by it and decided to change my name, though it's equally still weird - [La Maga]. Which means "the magician" in Italian. And says a lot about me. But I'm not going to blabber on about that here. But you can read about it on this post if you're so inclined.

Also, feel free to check out my other blog, Martin Freeman is not a hedgehog. Just in case your curious about the cultural relevance of fangirls. Great stuff, that. 
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