Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Culture Vulture Project... my worst idea ever

What's the last thing a overburdened college student needs to do? Well, plenty of things, I'm sure. But I'd say starting a Twitter account, creating a blog (while I'm already part of two others for class and a failed personal one) and deciding to blog about culture (which is one of the broadest concepts in the world) might be pretty high up on the list.

Why the hell would I do this to myself then? Why wouldn't I just be satisfied sitting down and watching TV and studying at the end of the day?

Good question. One I don't have a very good answer for. But I want to be a writer (well, I am a writer, but a published one is more of what I'm going for). I'm a Cultural Studies and Psychology major at the U, and I love yapping about what I learn and what I see each day. So this seems like a no-brainer. If I get some brilliant idea after word vomiting all this crap, then I figure it'll be time well spent.

But we'll see... considering I've never used Twitter before and it took me forever to find my roommate on there (who was sitting right next to me at the dining room table and yet I couldn't find her on cyberspace) this might be an epic fail. However, there's something enticing about Twitter... something that screams (perhaps desperately), "Look at me! I have a life! I have a blog! Care about me!" But if it gets me a book, like it did for the author of Julie and Julia, is it worth consciously thinking and pursuing such an idea, even if it makes me a sellout and a showoff?

I'll let you know when I have the answer.

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