Friday, November 18, 2011

Guinness + Cupcakes = Weird Dreams

Figure 1... I always hit my knees on the stools.
Another cry of help from my subconscious. Last night, after the birthday celebrating was done, I had an oddly real-feeling dream. I was back in the cafeteria of my junior high, sitting at one of those uncomfortable, round tables that have those circular plastic seats attached (see figure 1) with [uber gay] and [X]. Why it was those two and there, I have no idea. Anyway, there was apparently some convention going on or something, because there were a bunch of people sitting at tables around the room. We were in the center, near the front where the kitchens are, and there was this long table set up that people were hovering around. And there, sitting at the table, was John Barrowman. It seemed he was doing some sort of autograph signing. I was suddenly elated and also terrified. I wanted to meet him, to say hi, but I was so shy and nervous and afraid of to talk to him because I'd never talked to anyone that attractive. So I decided to stay at the table while [uber gay] and [X] gushed and got him to sign something. I felt like an idiot but decided to stay where I was because Barrowman did not seem to happy about [X] and [uber gay]'s gushing and I decided that he must have been rather jet-lagged. Then [X] and [uber gay] returned to the table to continue gushing. Which is funny, because I'm 98% sure that in real life, neither one of them knows who John Barrowman is. So yeah... it's weird on several different levels.

Also, anyone else think it's kind of sad that I can't even talk to a hot guy/ celebrity in my dreams? Stupid subconscious...

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