Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Saloon

So Sunday night I spent one evening not being a good little student and studying for shit (because, really, eight hours spent on one midterm is far too much). So I went with [Львица] and [save the panzer] to the Saloon. I've mentioned it before - it was the gay bar we went to after La Cage Aux Folles. Unfortunately, now I can't get the song "Gay Bar" by Electric Six out of my head, and it's sort of distracting.

My shoes :D WIN
Anyway, I decided I would wear my new ridiculous glittery dress that I bought at Forever 21 before Halloween. And damn - it was a hit. A guy approached me and asked why I was so glittery and wanted to trade outfits. Another guy on the dance floor began dancing with me and complimented my attire and his friend complimented my shoes (okay, the shoes were pretty kickass. The fact that I was actually able to dance and stand and MOVE in them at all totally blows my mind). And when the guy who danced with me left the bar, he came up to me and said, "Keep wearing dresses like that and you'll be good to go."

It was the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. I felt on top of the world the rest of the night and the better part of Monday. Perhaps only gay men can appreciate the awesomeness of a sparkly dress. But I think it wouldn't hurt straight men to work on their compliments. I mean, even [save the panzer]'s somewhat obnoxious friend [tower of babble] called me gorgeous and gave me some pleasant compliments (I think he also might have went into a tangent about how if he weren't gay, he'd sleep with me... which was awkward. And after he discovered I wasn't a lesbian, he also volunteered to be my wing man at the bar. Which kind of baffled me - why would you, as a gay man, try and hook a straight girl up with a guy in a bar THAT IS PREDOMINATELY FULL OF GAY MEN? Regardless, I appreciate his enthusiasm). Given all of that, I don't know if you could consider [tower of babble]'s compliments totally sincere, but you know, I'll take it. It's the second time I've been called gorgeous by a gay man (the other time was in Scotland, by one of the students.) You know how many times I've been called beautiful or gorgeous by a straight man? NEVER.

See what you're competing with, straight men? Either you need to step up your game or I need to reassess my priorities. Or I need to stop meeting dumb guys who make the straight male population look bad. And so my promotion of being undateable continues...

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