Saturday, February 25, 2012

Cheque, Check

[Львица] and I came to a consensus the other day: men don't know how to write checks. Okay, so not all men, obviously. But a wide variety of twenty-something college boys sure don't.

Case and point: last summer, on move-in day, I had to tell the tenant of 103 how to fill out the check for the first month's rent because he'd never written one. Then the other day, [Львица] was watching a guy who was writing a check for the security deposit to rent an apartment in our building next year and he didn't know how to do it.

What is with this? I mean, both [Львица] and I realized that are mothers are the ones who pay the checks in the household and that neither of our fathers write checks very often. Not saying they don't know how, but that it doesn't happen often. Why did the checkbook become a woman's tool? What's with this?

I don't have the answers... seriously, I don't. I'm just mindlessly musing because it's late and that's what I'm good at.

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