Monday, October 31, 2011

Join Us at the Ghost Post

I had the weirdest of feelings today. I was walking around the medical part of campus, around Moos Tower and the area where all the hospitals and medical buildings are, near Washington Avenue where they're putting in the light rail. I was walking across this stone courtyard and out of nowhere, I thought I heard the dinging of the bell on the light rail when it departs from the station. Except that that was impossible. Because the light rail isn't there yet.

Oh my God, I thought to myself. I just heard the future. It was a weird, wibbly-wobbly time moment. Most likely it was a hallucination in my weird old brain. But who knows...

Speaking of the future, [Львица] and I decided that pans with regenerative Teflon would be something we'd like to see in the future. That way, when you burn something in it, the pan isn't screwed for life.

Today overall has been a rather odd day. I had no Italian class this morning, just an oral exam, so I did my homework and spent my time walking around the river, looking at the foliage and taking in the fall atmosphere. I don't know why, but today just feels... mysterious. Consciousness of the date aside, it really does just feel - spooky.

Perhaps in part because of the weird dream I had last night. I dreamed that I was on the Scotland trip, in Stirling, looking at "the Guy Fawkes house." One - Guy Fawkes has nothing to do with Scotland or Stirling. Two - I'm not so sure they'd have a house to commemorate him, even in York where he's from. Three - Stirling did not look like Stirling in my dream. Although the painting of Guy Fawkes that was there actually did look like him. And I seemed to remember that he's also known as Guido. Weird.

Also, I think I had a dream about [novel killer] and Desperate Housewives, but I don't remember any of it. Except that I got into some epic suburban housewife fight with her.

So there you go. This post has no point. Except for this - Happy Halloween!

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