Friday, October 28, 2011

Rude and Not Ginger, and Balance Theory

Psychology came to the rescue the other day with a realization I made. While looking up something about Buffy the Vampire Slayer, it suddenly occurred to me why the character John Hart looked so damn familiar on Torchwood - BECAUSE HE'S PLAYED BY THE SAME FREAKING ACTOR WHO PLAYED SPIKE ON BUFFY. Holy shit, people - holy shit.

I began freaking out. I mean, Spike is incredible and knowing that it's the same actor just makes my life. Just like finding out the guy who sings as the blonde Nazi chorus guy in the "Springtime For Hitler" segment in The Producers is JOHN BARROWMAN (I always wondered who that attractive man was ;) ). And that like half of my friends watch Doctor Who. And Doctor Who has a thing about gingers, which is funny because being ginger is a continuing topic of discussion amongst [Львица] and me (as [Львица] is actually a redhead).

Everything in my life is connected... which is starting to weird me out. My favorite late night comedian, Craig Ferguson, likes Doctor Who, my friends like Doctor Who, I finally started watching Doctor Who the other night (the first episode of the first restart season with Christopher Eccleston, the episode called "Rose" - I got advice from a girl in my Italian class who is a big Who fan as to where to start in the series on Wednesday when our substitute professor didn't show up) AND I LOVE IT.

There is clearly some link between things I like and people I like. And, fortunately for me, psychology has a short and sweet little theory about it. It's called balance theory and it makes me incredibly happy.

Here's how it works - basically, humans want to achieve balance in their life, between things they like and people they like. It's always showed pictorially as triangles, so here's a nice little representation of it:

So, in a balanced situation, Pam's worst enemy is Oliver. But she loves skiing. Therefor, if Oliver hates skiing, all is right with the world. But, if Pam likes Oliver and likes skiing, but Oliver hates skiing, things are going to unbalanced and Pam is going to have a much harder time of finding stuff to do with Oliver.

Here's how it works with my life. I like British things. I like science fiction. I like my friends. My friends generally also like British things and science fiction. So things pretty much equal out.

Except for the fact that the end of Season 3 on Torchwood sucked. What the hell was that, killing Ianto? And Jack's grandson? AND IANTO?! ;(

Sorry, I knew it was going to happen, but I'm a little distraught. And now Jack is all angsty... it's disheartening.

Anyway, balance theory. So I'm upset with the end of season 3. But I REALLY love the show. So I'm feeling a bit of dissonance about that. However, I've chosen to ignore it by continuing to watch it in hopes that Ianto will magically come back. And by continuing my utterly juvenile gushing over Jack Harkness. We'll see how that works out...

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