Wednesday, August 17, 2011

"Would you call me an aged man of war, doctor?"

Today, I likened [Львица]'s and my new job to sailing a ship. You see, we're both building managers for this old, 1940s hotel turned apartment building (read: the ship). It's beautiful, it's fantastic - and it need a lot of work. Like A LOT of work. Our commander in chief hasn't seen the building for three years. And it seems that one of the former building managers might have been a little nuts. Good. Great. Perfect. Oh yeah, and we found a bucket of cat shit in the boiler room when we were cleaning it out.

So, to use the ship metaphor: we've got a beautiful vessel. We've just got to make sure it doesn't sink (or start on fire...) and that we don't give in too much to the commands we're following and then make work our life. I've got plenty more to say about all of this, but I'm too tired tonight. And since I can't find the clip from the movie "Master and Commander" that would make the title of this blog make sense, watch this instead: "I'm On A Boat."

1 comment:

  1. "Straight up flipping burgers, while you at Kinko's flippin copies!"


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