Friday, August 19, 2011

Okay, help me out here, guys...

Since I can now post videos, I call upon the aide of music video watchers...or the next poor person to stumble across my blog. Watch this new Lady Gaga video and tell me: what the hell is going on here? Why is Lady Gaga a mermaid? Why is she kissing herself? Why is she some sort of mechanical Frankenstein monster? And if the only answer that makes sense is "no reason," ala the avant garde movie Rubber (about a tire that suddenly has the power to blow things up - watch it if you're in the mood for something bizarre) then I fear I have truly stopped understanding anything Gaga does. As if I understood arriving in a giant egg in the first place.

Please, Gaga, please don't get so weird that your albums suffer. I loved "Bad Romance" - where did that sound go? 

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