Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Strange situation

So a weird variety of not-quite-coincidences occurred today, making my average Tuesday feel a little unusual.

1) After walking out of class, I ran into [mind ninja], whom I haven't seen since midsummer. The chances of running into her in the same building at the U is about one in two billion, especially as there's like sixty thousand people on campus each day or something. What's even weirder, [Львица] ran into her too.

2) While sitting outside doing the crossword puzzle during my break between classes, two people came up to me and started talking to me about the Bible. I was afraid they were going to invite me to a Bible study and I was going to have to be rude and turn them away. Instead, they started talking to me about how the evidence might show that there is a female version of God along with the male counterpart. I was totally intrigued - I love hearing different ideas about religion and I had actually just been wondering about whether any religions incorporated this sort of idea anywhere (actually, I'd been wondering more if any religions had a woman as their primary god, but this was a mental tangent I'd had). How they managed to decide to talk to me about this and how they got lucky enough to run across someone who wouldn't be offended. I'm meeting up with them tomorrow to learn more because I'm totally interested, so we'll see how that goes...

3) After talking about the possibility of a female God, a bee started buzzing around me, landing on my books and my pants. So, I fled the scene and went inside the building where my next class was where I ran into one of my professors from last year who I'd been really hoping to see. Thank you, strange hostile-yet-friendly bee for setting up the perfect circumstances so I could talk to him.

So there you have it - a bunch of coincidences all together. Except that I'm sort of doubtful that about the whole coincidence thing. Yeah, I mean, life is random - but the fact that OUT OF NOWHERE two people come bearing information about something I really wanted to know? That a bee chased me inside at just the right time? That both my roommate and I ran into our other roommate from last year on the same day?

It's certain - my life is being controlled by aliens. I'm kidding - I've just been watching way too much Torchwood. As you'll see from my next post...

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