Wednesday, September 7, 2011

To the douchebag who broke Adele's heart

Dear Dickwad,

I know I'm being a bit harsh, since I don't know you or really anything about you at all. The only thing I do know, actually, is that after you and Adele broke up, you quickly moved on and married some other girl. Low, dude. Low. Nothing says, "I really didn't care about you" than doing something like that. I have to ask - what does your new girl think of this? Does she know? If I were her, I would feel totally awkward about this... but I digress. Truly, I don't care if you're actually the nicest person alive - this makes you sound like a righteous asshole. Of course, I'm not exactly the best person to have judging your actions - I'm not particularly forgiving of men doing stupid things. Also, Adele is pretty much my favorite female vocalist alive (tied with Sara Bareilles, FYI). So you breaking her heart totally did not help your image for me. Tough shit, man.

However, even though I pretty much hate your guts for what you did and making the male gender look damn awful, there is one thing I have to thank you for. You were the inspiration for the lyrics of one of the greatest albums I've ever heard. And even though I'd probably punch you if I knew who you were, you twistedly helped create some of the best, most beautiful, most heartbreaking music I've ever listened to. If anything, that should be inspiration to women - and men, because I know that there are some real bitches out there - that beautiful things can come from misfortune. So thanks for that. Even though I wouldn't be too proud of it - I mean, a Grammy-Award winning singer just immortalized you as the biggest fucking douchebag since Carly Simon sang, "You're So Vain." And you're not going to be escaping this expression any time soon:

So, maybe do some self-reflecting, send some flowers, do some apologizing if you're feeling that your relationships with people aren't quite the same for some reason or other now.  I might hate you, but you sir, are human. Humans make mistake. Learn from yours.

a pensive feminist

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