Friday, October 14, 2011

Another Disaster, Another Day

Today, I was hoping to get the bulk of my homework done today so I could relax this weekend. Ha. Right.

Yesterday, we had an issue up in apartment 306 with a toilet that wouldn't stop flushing so our handyman had to run out here and temporarily fix it until he could return today to figure out what the hell was going. But then, this morning, [Львица] called me and said that water was gushing out of 306 and that there was some issue in 206.

For some ungodly reason, water erupted from the walls of 306 when one of the girls in 206 turned on their shower. Their bathroom in 306 filled with water, which then gushed "like a waterfall" down through the doorway of the bathroom doorway of 206.

Sad day. Just... yeah. Sad day.

I hate plumbing. I really do. I've inhereited it from my father. He can deal with any home improvement issue, as long as it doesn't involve complicated electrical wiring or plumbing. Because when it comes to plumbing... well, there's a reason it takes some serious training to know what the hell is going on there. I generally love water - when it's not being routed through pipe systems that seem rather faulty and enjoy ruining a perfectly good Friday morning. Because the plumbing in this building seems to be possessed. And it's sending me into hysterics.

Yep, plumbing issues turn me into Leopold Bloom from The Producers. Who knew?
That being said, I feel like no matter how crazy things are around here, the residents of this building are to be commended. Not only did they choose cheaper housing over the fancy-pants places like the Dinkydome (okay, so maybe they didn't choose, exactly, but there are other places that cost only a little more than here and are... shall we say, more luxurious) they also chose minimalist living (meaning you don't get a lot of perks. No exercise room, no free laundry, no plasma TVs and cable in each unit. And yes, to those of you who didn't know that, some college apartments come with this stuff now).  Probably because minimalist living is a bit cheaper (though really, FloCo just down the street doesn't cost that much more. It's just brand-new and filled up faster than Adele tickets sell out. Okay, okay, not that fast. But you get the idea). Also, our residents are to be commended for their patience. Seriously, water exploding out of the walls? Not something you want to deal with very often. And yet they haven't flipped out on us. Well, not a total meltdown yet. Everyone has been very kind and forgiving so far. Except for you, 303. You know why.

I bring this up to remind myself that I'm doing this for them, the college students who choose a "distinctive" building with "character" and are making the best of it. If they weren't so fabulous, our job would be much, much harder. It's better to deal with just the exploding pipes, rather than exploding pipes and emotions. Knock on wood... I'm probably tempting fate now. Alas.

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